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What do Narcissists hate the most?

Updated: Apr 24, 2024

Top 5 things that will cause a Narcissists to strike!

  1. Boundaries are something that Narcissists can easily set for you, but they will not accept any type of boundary from you that limits their access to you or prevents them from getting what they feel they deserve which is everything. They feel that they are entitled to you and everyone around them and boundaries do not apply to them. If you set a boundary they will retaliate by giving you the silent treatment and punishing you for having your own self respect. They feel any boundary you set is a direct disrespect to them and this will not be tolerated.

  2. Accountability for their actions and bad behaviors. Narcissists will expect you to take the blame for all their wrong doings. They will turn every situation and twist the story to be your fault. They will manipulate you to feel guility for their bad behaviors. They are not able to accept that they are flawed in any way. They will flat out deny any wrong doing and will quickly turn the conversation on something you did. They are very good at gaining sympathy from people and portraying themselves as the victim.

  3. Criticism is taken by the Narcissists as a direct blow to their character and a personal attack. They have spent countless years perfecting their self image and keeping up with their fake facade that any type of criticism no matter if constructive or not is a jab at them and you are disrespecting them and all their greatness. What a normal person would not even consider as a criticism you can bet that the Narcissists took everything you said as some sort of criticism or personal attack.

  4. Being ignored will cause a core injury to a Narcissists. They will use the silent treatment countless times to punish you and keep you inline. If you were to use this tactic on them they will lose their minds. They only look at being ignored as a disrespect if you do it to them. They can go weeks and months ignoring you and not think about how you feel during this time at all. Usually they are off with another supply and you are not even a thought. The moment you make them feel unwanted or unloved you will surely be punished. If your not giving the Narcissists 24/7 attention and validation to them you are ignoring them. They will end a relationship over you needing to spend some extra time working on a project at work for a few weeks. They view everything as a threat and will feel you have abandoned them. You are not of any value to the Narcissists unless you are spending all your energy and time catering to their every want and need.

  5. Dishonesty is something that the Narcisissts is very good at offering. They are usually pathological liars and find it hard to keep their stories straight. If you however were to call them out on a lie they will get very angry and make you feel guilty for even thinking they are capable of such a thing such as lieing and cheating. We know Narcissists get bored very easily and need alot of stimulation. They will have no problem lieing right to your face. They are not capable of being honest and speaking whole truths. Narcissists will usually have more then one phone, they hide their phones, they are on mulitiple dating sites while in a relationship. One person is usually never enough for all the validation and attention a Narcissists needs to feel validated. They usually will cause some kind of chaos and drama to start and arguement so they can go off to be with the new person they have been grooming. The one who doesn't know them yet and thinks they are a dream come true.

If you are in a relationship with a Narcissists you know first hand how difficult it is on your mental health and well being. They can take the most secure person and turn them into an emotional mess. The Narcissists has a very dark side and it is one that you will never be able to fully understand. They are very selffish, self centered, egotystical individuals that unfortunately will not be able to give you compassion, empathy and a safe place to feel wanted, respected and loved. The more you try to understand them and give them more love, attention and validation the more they will take from you. They do not see the world like you and I do. They truly feel like the victim in all their stories, because in their mind they have created a whole different narrative that justifies their bad behaviors. They seek out individuals who are kind, loving and will offer alot of sympathy. They are truly immature individuals who never emotionally developed past the age of around 6 years old. They do seek love and relationships, but they do not have the emotional maturity to have a long term healthy relationship that involves honesty, trust and respect. They are constantly questioning the others persons motives and feeling a great fear of being abandoned. The very same things that a Narcissists fears they will end up doing to their victims.

If you or anyone you know is in a relationship with a Narcissists and need help with recovering and healing from the toxicity please reach out to me and join me in my Toxic Relationship Recovery Program. These individuals do not change and many times as they age they actually get worse in their bad behaviors and emotional abuse can turn to physical abuse. Psychological and emotional abuse is the most damaging type of abuse that can leave emotional scars for life. Don't allow the abuser to make you a victim. Become a Survivor like thousands of others who have joined me in their jorney of healing and thriving!

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